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government members educating themselves on cybersecurity threats.
As a local government member and decision-maker for your community, you likely handle sensitive information related to your constituents, community, and operations on a regular basis. Unfortunately, this makes you a prime target for cyberattacks. Investing in comprehensive government cybersecurity...
Board members discussing the the importance of business ethics for your organisation
The importance of business ethics refers to the principles and values that guide the behaviour of individuals and organisations in the business world, including nonprofits. It dictates that organisations consider the impact of their decisions on various stakeholders, such as...
A happy board member sharing 33 boar security questions to ask
For a mission-driven organization, investing in board software security that will help your board be even more effective is a key decision. Every penny counts, the reputation of your organization matters, and when it comes to ensuring the effectiveness of...
Nonprofit Healthcare profesional using technology
Data maturity, a state where organizational leaders use data to drive decision-making, is no longer a goal exclusive to the corporate world. In the context of nonprofit healthcare organizations, data maturity refers to the ability to effectively collect, manage, and...
Nonprofit board members looking happy with data management
Nonprofit data management is critical for organizations striving to maximize their impact. Consider the difference one nonprofit can make by innovating how they use data. Two billion people globally lack sufficient access to clean drinking water at home, and the...

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