Simplify policy management

Give your employees the clarity and transparency to embrace your corporate policies in one easy-to-use integrated platform. Reduce the time, cost and risk associated with creating, updating, managing and ensuring comprehension of your company’s policies.

Screenshot of the Diligent platform showcasing the policy management functionality.

Review, create, deploy, administer

Configurable workflows, a feature-rich text editor, and modular document design allow fast, simple, and easily repeatable document drafting, editing and execution.

Ensure employee comprehension

Automatically send policy updates to target audiences, test policy comprehension, and receive attestation that policies are understood

Reduce regulatory risk

Leverage a regulations page you to itemize and track each policy, procedure, or step required by government or industry regulation.

Do more with less

Automate your review process with system notifications that alert assigned owners of upcoming review cycles. Easily view and compare document versions.

Modern solutions for modern organizations

Screenshot of Modern Governance software by Diligent displaying a user-friendly interface for efficient governance management.

Modern Governance

Digitize board materials, secure sensitive data, easily manage entities and design strategic compensation plans.

Screenshot of the Diligent platform displaying the GRC (Governance, Risk, and Compliance) functionality.

Modern Risk

Integrate risk management activities in a single platform. Eliminate errors, save time and save costs.

Screenshot displaying Diligent software featuring the ACL analytics feature

Modern Audit

Drive efficiency across audit workflows with built-in best practices, time-saving automation and enhanced reporting.

Illustration of the "Ensure Compliance" feature within Diligent software

Modern Compliance

Create a culture of ethics, ensure regulatory compliance and get real-time oversight into compliance programs.

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