The leading Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC) software platform

Diligent HighBond is a comprehensive platform that improves every aspect of governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) management. With its advanced features, this platform enables you to strategically manage risk, demonstrate compliance, and provide executives with complete visibility, assurance, and confidence. By leveraging HighBond, you can streamline your GRC programs, save time, and avoid costly errors that can arise from using disparate tools. With its unified approach, HighBond is the ideal solution for organizations that demand complete control over their GRC programs.

Screenshot of the Diligent platform displaying the GRC (Governance, Risk, and Compliance) functionality.

Trusted by thousands of GRC professionals across the globe.

Automated workflows

Centralized control over GRC

Meet your organization’s specific GRC needs by consolidating and streamlining your process. Design automated, end-to-end workflows that ensure your policies take shape in real time.

Screenshot of the Diligent platform displaying centralized control over GRC functionality.
Screenshot of the Diligent platform displaying the advanced data analytics functionality.

Advanced data analytics

Leverage advanced analytics that make deep insights accessible to the everyday user. Develop effective workflow automations with ease, regardless of tech fluency.

The full GRC picture

Get comprehensive visibility into your GRC data with ready-to-use dashboards and reports you can use to deliver key insights to the board.

Screenshot of the Diligent platform displaying the full GRC picture overview functionality.

Looking for more reasons to choose Diligent?

Discover why the Diligent One Platform is the only unified solution designed to centralize and unify all your board management and GRC activities.

Download and explore our range of brochures to help you make the right decision on GRC software.

Modern Solutions for Modern Organizations

Screenshot of Modern Governance software by Diligent displaying a user-friendly interface for efficient governance management.

Modern Governance

Digitize board materials, secure sensitive data, easily manage entities and design strategic compensation plans.

Screenshot of the Diligent platform displaying the GRC (Governance, Risk, and Compliance) functionality.

Modern Risk

Integrate risk management activities in a single platform. Eliminate errors, save time and save costs.

Screenshot displaying Diligent software featuring the ACL analytics feature

Modern Audit

Drive efficiency across audit workflows with built-in best practices, time-saving automation and enhanced reporting.

Illustration of the "Ensure Compliance" feature within Diligent software

Modern Compliance

Create a culture of ethics, ensure regulatory compliance and get real-time oversight into compliance programs.

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